
Essay by simsima2014 April 2014

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'Globalisation advantages richer countries at the expense of developing nations'.

Globalisation and international trade have increased tremendously over the past century. Countries have increased the amount of trade that crosses international borders. Trade has encouraged countries that have resources to become available to other nation's citizens. There has been much debate on whether globalisation advantages third world countries or increases the gap between rich and poor countries. This essay will comprehend the role of multinational corporations in the process of globalisation, supra-national trade organisations and their management on globalisation and explore the key critical issues in international business and complexities in globalisation with developing countries as well as the rich or powerful countries. It will summarize the theoretical benefits of globalisation and see if it has assisted and been shared out equally.

Globalisation can be defined in many terms and can have different subjective perceptions and interpretations. "Globalisation can be seen as a force for economic growth, prosperity and democratise freedom or be seen as a force for environmental devastation and exploitation of developing goods". (Globalisation 101, 2013). Globalisation could also defined as..."The increasing integration of countries' individual economies, the rise in world trade, the impact on ordinary people of multinational companies and the effect of large sums of money moving in and out of economies and increasing number of cross-border social, cultural and technological links". (BBC, 2010) According to Hill …" Globalisation refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Globalisation has several facts, including the globalisation of markets and the globalisation of production". (Hill, C. (2010).