Globalisation in the current and Past Human era and the way it affects the Human community

Essay by sirrascussJunior High, 8th gradeA-, April 2007

download word file, 4 pages 3.0

There are several different meanings and aspects for globalisation. Globalisation can be defined as a growth in also international relationships with the government to the trade and warfare systems. It could be the increase in cross border economic, social and technological exchanges. It could also simply mean to spread out, extend and widen.

There is no evident and abrupt beginning for globalisation. However globalisation can be vaguely dated back to 16th century around 1519-1521, when the expansion of European capitalism took place also following the first circumnavigation of the earth. There was also a big expansion in the world trade system in the 19 the century, but it was brought to a halt by world war one. Later on, when the world time zone were calculated and brought into existence, a sense of world uniting took place. The end of the Second World War also bough another great expansion of world wide capitalism with the development of multinational companies, air travel and international communication systems such as the internet, also enhanced globalisation.

Further more famous events such as the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Berlin wall furthermore increased the potency of globalisationThere are many players involved in globalisation, the World trade organization, International Monetary Funds, The World Bank, United Nations, World Economic Forum, and much more.

The players of globalisation can have many different purposes or rights. Some can be to look after human rights, or to lend money to poorer countriesAll these groups and members participate in global affairs such as disasters, warfare, trade fare, politics and much more. Some of the groups or players can be voluntary organizations while others can be membership businesses with strict rules like the World Trade Organization.

There is great evidence of global inequality and even more...