Gore Vidal's "The Robin", idealization of the past

Essay by this_is_me96High School, 10th gradeA, April 2004

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Have you ever noticed that everything was so much better in the good old days? Have you noticed that when someone takes a look at something that holds value in your life, they see it in a different light? Have you noticed that sometimes it is more fun to believe things about yourself that maybe aren't true? People have a habit of making things out to be different then they truly are. Everyone does it in some way or another, whether it is by idealizing the past, seeing something how you want to see it, or thinking of yourself how you want to be thought of. A perfect example of this is in Gore Vidal's "The Robin".

The past, what a great time that was, right? Relationships were easier, money was not so complicated, and work was more fun. These were the good old days. If only we could get back to how it was.

It would be so much better, wouldn't it. The main character of "The Robin" seemed to remember the past in an ideal light; "But at nine…I was more colorful, more desperate and certainly more original than I've been since." (Vidal 2036) Was he how he says, or is he remembering how he would like to? We don't know this character when he was nine so it is hard to say, but chances are he wasn't.

Truthfully, when we really think about it, how was the past really? Maybe there were really great years, but there also were really bad times. We like to forget the bad times. As we grow, we learn from our experiences and hopefully continue to become a better person every year. How then can we say that we were better back then, or times were easier,