I got an A in this essay its really great essay.

Essay by CrgngCollege, UndergraduateA, May 2012

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Understanding and Evaluating the Arts


Art can mean different to others as it those to one person. Art can have difference meanings or definitions. Art can be different things like paint, music, and even dance they are just different types of art. There are eight different types of art which will be broken down and explain more throughout the paper. The eight different type of art are: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography, Printmaking, Conceptual Art, Installation Art, and Performance Art. Each of these different types of art has their own meanings. Examples help have a better significant meaning of what each of them mean. Throughout the paper the understanding of art will expand the mind because of how many different type and meanings there are.

Art has a lot of different definition to it. I have a few examples definitions of the word "Art". The first example I will use I got from Dictionary.com

the first link in the reference life. The first definition is "the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance." From my understanding this definition means that art is the meaning of something significant or beautiful. Second definition is "skill acquired by experience, study, or observation". For example like "The Art of making music" so it's like a skill. These two definitions differ from each other but they are both the same words. I just wanted to show an example of two different types of definitions. Also art can be a class where Humanities are taught. Just to have some ideas of the meaning of art. Now Art has eight different types which are again: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography, Printmaking, Conceptual Art, Installation Art, and Performance Art. Painting is the first type...