What is the Government doing for public schools and more?

Essay by C_StudentJunior High, 8th gradeA+, November 2002

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Government funding for public schools is very limited with so many schools in the United States today. I know this from experience due to the fact that my junior high school was poorly funded. The lack of funding affected my education by lack of teachers, honors classes, and a variety of subjects being taught.Having a shortage of teachers affected my have had more teachers, honors classes and a variety of classes to take. My education has been lowered due to the lack of funds in my public schools.Justice is responsible for making sure the country is taken care of and that all dangers or problems be taken care of as well. It is essential that the citizens be treated equally, and they all get the freedom to share what they think. Justice can never be served without equality and freedom involved, or problems will arise.

Argumentative on the Dispersal of Federal Educational Funds American founding father Benjamin Franklin states, "If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Influenced heavily by the ideals of the founding fathers, the United States continues in the pursuit of knowledge.The primary focus of my topic is three fold, first if a high ranking official from a firm were to become the Director of an agency and his former company is asking for approval of a drug, how should the Director act in regard to this rulemaking? The second question is not a difficult, if a former Director were to assume the power of Agencies not preventable. It is perhaps the constant attention that is paid to the Federal Register by Public groups and environmentalists which protect us the most.