The Great Mistake: The Atomic Bomb

Essay by HelioGracieCollege, UndergraduateA+, April 2006

download word file, 13 pages 4.7

Downloaded 111 times

The day was calm and cool. The sun had just risen and the people of the city were ready to face another day of their lives. Suddenly, a colossal explosion swept over the city for miles around killing and destroying everything in its fiery path. Those who were not burned to death endured torturous illnesses and suffered greatly for the rest of their lives. This happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it could happen again.

The dropping of the atomic bombs forever changed the face of warfare and the way that we look upon the world. Some say that the bomb was needed to end World War II and prevent a greater loss of lives that may have resulted had the bomb not been dropped. However, there seems to be more to the story than what at first seems apparent. Documents and firsthand accounts of those involved show that the bomb was not the only way to end the war, and that many negative effects associated with the bomb were either not known or simply neglected.

In addition, the war was ready to end before the bombs had even been dropped. Because of the excessive human suffering that the atomic bomb caused and the possibility that it's use was unnecessary, the atomic bomb should not have been dropped on Japan.

To begin, the creation of the atomic bomb was unnecessary. For many scientists, the main reason for the building the atomic bomb was to keep up with Nazi Germany, who many felt was well on its way to developing an atomic bomb of its own. With Germany's defeat, however, many scientists who were aware of the nuclear secret felt the development of nuclear weapons unnecessary. Leo Szilard, the nuclear scientist who first proposed the idea of making an atomic bomb...