The Greatest Downfall of Life

Essay by bvaldezCollege, UndergraduateA+, August 2008

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This day and age, with the high price of overall living, it’s hard to live a normal healthy life without a high paying job and an abundance of money. There are many reasons why people become unemployed; therefore, many people will have substantial financial, emotional, and personal problems. Once someone becomes unemployed, it can be very difficult for them to re enter the workplace.

The most common cause of the growing unemployment rate seem to be getting fired and/or laid off for specific or non specific reasons. There is always the potential for people to be laid off if a company is going out of business, filing bankruptcy, or maybe if they hold a position in the company that is no longer needed. For so many people, it is difficult to find a job immediately after being fired. This can cause a family much heartache and frustration. There is also the possibility that the fired employee will have a hard time becoming employed if they were let go under unsatisfactory circumstances.

Companies are not interested in hiring someone who has just been fired for reasons such as failure to do a sufficient job, not showing up to work, being late, stealing, etc.

Another reason it may be difficult to find a job can be contributed to the economy. For example, at this very moment our economy is in a recession. In some cases the economy is down; therefore, it is difficult to find any type work in general. Many people and their families will suffer greatly during economic hardships. This is due to the lack of money, yet the rising cost of goods.

Thirdly, many people find it difficult to get hired because of their lack of education. There are an abundance of people that do not have an...