Greek Goddess Athena

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Many Greek gods and goddesses make up the stories we know about the most famous constellations of stars we look at every night. One of which is the goddess Athena. While not a constellation herself, she?s a key character in many of the stories. Athena was the goddess of crafts, war, and wisdom. She is very unique in lots of ways, some of which are her many names, how she came about, and her very own city. It was said that she was to carry out deeds that Zeus could not do but would want to do. She taught mortals natal care and healing. She also made the flute, the olive tree, and showed men how to train horses.

Since the beginning of time names have had their own special meanings. Athena held several names, three of which are, Pallas, Athene, and Athena. Pallas and Athene came from her full name Pallas Athene, representing her duel nature.

Pallas, meaning the goddess of storms, strength, battle, war, chivalry, and victory. She?s also known as Athene, meaning the goddess of peace, beauty, wisdom, creativity, education, science, and the arts. Athena was the Greek goddess of war, wisdom, the arts, industry, justice, and skill. Athena is the patron of craftsmen and the protector of cities. Her symbols include, the olive tree, and the animal symbols, the cock, snake, and owl.

She was the favorite child of Zeus. Athena wasn?t born like a normal child, she burst fully grown from Zeus?s forehead. Zeus?s first wife, Metis, goddess of wisdom. In Zeus?s fear that Metis would bear a son greater than himself, Zeus swallowed her and she began to make a robe and helmet for her daughter. All the hammering of the helmet caused Zeus many painful headaches and he cried out in agony.