Group Dynamics

Essay by BriaCollege, Undergraduate February 2003

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Group Dynamics

The loose definition of group is individuals organized to work together. To define the word even closer for the purpose of our class, the definition of group is a team of people who are interdependent with respect to information, resources, and skills who seek to combine their efforts to achieve a common goal. There are many different scenarios for which groups are needed but there remain common characteristics to all groups regardless of purpose. Groups are formed, goals are set, performance is monitored, and relationships are built between members. These dynamics, along with many others, are some of the core aspects for which group are built.

The formation of a group is arguably the most important facet of group dynamics. Such creation is done with the end goal in mind. Group creators look closely at individual's abilities and try to get a combination that will, in the end, be the most efficient.

During group formation, teams are usually formed using a cross-section of the members' abilities. By this I mean, individuals from different sections or work areas may be selected to work on a group so different point-of-views maybe exchanged. They also take into account the size of the group they are forming. Group size is based of many different factors, such as budget and governing rules, as in the case of sports teams, to name a couple. Once a group is formed, a leader is usually assigned. Group leaders are usually picked based on criteria that are made up by senior management or ownership. "On business groups, these criteria should come from the mission statement. If the culture buys into the mission statement, then the criteria are written in people's minds and hearts" (Covey). Group leaders are given responsibility for affairs within the group and they also...