Guide To Understanding The Repercussions Of The Legalization Of Marijuana In The United States Of America

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2002

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Guide to Understanding the Repercussions of the Legalization of Marijuana in the United States of America The two most distinguishable words in the English language to one's ear are "Sex"� and "Drugs"�. Even more recognizable than one's own name. Both of the words are very controversial topics, mainly drugs. Marijuana, specifically the legalization of marijuana in many countries, is a heavily debated topic among a sundry of people. In order to fully understand the debate of the legalization of marijuana, one must be an informed individual of society. However, no matter which point of view one sides with, the information remains the same. With a command of the knowledge, one can actually make an intelligent choice about their position on the subject of the legalization of marijuana. The economic outlook, the disadvantages, and the advantages of the legalization of marijuana are the backbone issues to understand.

First, the economy is greatly affected by the "Drug War"� that is raging throughout the world.

America's economy is the forbearer of that economic strain. Since 1980 the United States alone has spent two hundred and fifty billion dollars just to try to stop the trafficking of illegal drugs (Zeese, par.2). These funds do not just magically appear, they come from the tax payers of America. Despite all of the "relief funds"� provided, the prices of illegal drugs has gone down almost one quarter of the price since 1980, whereas, the potency of these illegal drugs has dramatically increased (Zeese, par.2). Not only is the price decreasing, but the quality of the product is increasing; this just adds insult to injury. Also, for the past two years straight, the United States' Federal Government has spent nineteen billion dollars, and the Federal Government has spent over twenty-two billion dollars as well (First, par.2). The government...