Gun control, this essay goes over why gun control could be a good or bad thing

Essay by rageradiosJunior High, 9th gradeA+, March 2004

download word file, 4 pages 3.5

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." US Constitution 2nd Amendment

In the United States, guns play a major role in our culture. Guns helped to free us when England was in control of the country during revolutionary times. When this happened the Constitution was created. Within the Constitution is the Second Amendment, which protects the right to own guns to the people of the United States. The problem with this amendment is that it is not clear about who can really own guns and whether a group of civilians in a state is legally "a well regulated militia" . Yet, the reason it was created was to make certain guns would never be taken from the people. Gun control should exist, nevertheless, there should not be complete ban on guns because the constitution protects this right.

There are many different types of guns and federal law currently prohibits ownership of some. These are any automatic weapons or type two firearms which are: explosive devices, attachable items to a gun to make it automatic, silencers, flash suppressers and other equipment of that type. The federal laws intact, now, appear to be working quite well. These laws concern what guns should be legal and the age-availability of guns. These laws include the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. The Brady Act (Nov. 31, 1993) made it so that a five-day waiting period must occur to purchase a gun. It also enacted that people have a background checks done to make sure that they are qualified to own a gun. This background check is called the National Instant Check System (NIST). This system works well to stop unqualified persons from purchasing guns or...