Hamlet's Soliloquies

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Shakespeare's writings in The Tragedy of Hamlet reveal seven in depth soliloquies spoken by Hamlet. In these soliloquies, Shakespeare shows us portions of Hamlets personality. Analyzing the soliloquies helps readers to better understand the exact mindset of Hamlet. At the conclusion of the play, the readers feel as if they know Hamlet and his soliloquies contribute too much of that understanding.

The first soliloquy expresses Hamlets deepest thoughts. He can not stand the world that he lives in. He wants to relieve himself of all his responsibilities and return to a time of tranquility. He has been raised as nobility and he can't find the heart to abandon his responsibilities. Through suicide, he feels he can escape all of his problems. The beliefs of his father reject this idea "His cannon 'gainst self-slaughter(I.ii.132)!" His problems seem to increase, his father's death, his widowed mom marrying his uncle, and his confusing relationship with Ophelia.

The first soliloquy introduces Hamlets first thoughts of suicide. It also lets readers know how much he disproves of his mother and uncles' relationship.

Hamlets spirits fly in the next soliloquy. He speaks to his father, the ghost, and his father bids him farewell and asks for Hamlet to remember him. Hamlet states "Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records and thy commandment (to remember) all alone shall live…in my brain (I.v.98-103)." He says he will forget everything he has learned ever since he was a child so he may remember his fathers ghost. He makes his main purpose in life revenge and the rest of the play pertains the bases of this soliloquy.

The third soliloquy exposes Hamlets plan to catch the kings guilt. It informs us of Hamlets major conflict, getting revenge for his father. During the speech,