History of animation

Essay by yuyu_syHigh School, 11th gradeA-, April 2004

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Since the beginnings of time, human beings have tried to capture a sense of motion in their art. From the paintings in caves from centuries ago to the paintings alongside the remains of long-dead pharaohs, this quest for capturing motion has been a common theme throughout many of mankind's artistic endeavours. Animation is also a way to capture motion. Animation is the process of making pictures look like they are moving. In the pre 1920's is the time when animation starts and where all the important technologies, and famous cartoon characters were created.

In the pre 1920's, there not a lot of entertainment for the people. There was so no television until later in the era. People didn't watch movies or cartoons. The people that time didn't know about the technologies and watching cartons wasn't very popular. The economic pressure to make the cartoon equal to comic strip was really hard on animation, therefore, it was held back.

Animators who had the opportunity to have one film out every week had nearly no time to edit their work or analyze their medium, and no time to experiment during their except on the job.

In the pre 1920's, many technological advances took place. In 1826 John Ayrton Paris invents the Thaumatrope, it is a disc with separate paintings on each side. One side had a picture of a bird, and then other with a cage. When the disc is turned really fast, it will seem as if the bird is in the cage. In 1831, Joseph Platueau invented the Phenakistoscope. It is a disc on a stick with drawings around the centre of it, and slits next to each drawing; the person will spin the disc and look through it in the mirror, so it looks like the images are moving.