“Homosexuals want to gain their right to be married. They also want to be legally allowed to adopt children. To what extend do you agree with the above? ”

Essay by moutasCollege, UndergraduateA, March 2010

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ENG 211



"Homosexuals want to gain their right to be married. They also want to be legally allowed to adopt children. To what extend do you agree with the above? "

Recently the Greek Justice Department issued a new law which gives the possibility, to heterosexual couples only, to live together without getting married, by signing a contract which will provide them with all the marital rights that can protect their life and prosperity. The specific law covers all issues as divorces, children out of marriage and the right of each member to bare both surnames. It is considered to be a great step for society, as it seems that many people in our days all over the world have changed their lifestyle, avoiding religion and its strict commands about marriage. But what about homosexuals? We may pretend that we don't see them, but this does not mean that they do not exist and live among us; they live everywhere around us: friends, family, colleagues, just like any other people.

According to very reliable statistics, almost 4% of the global population (approx. 250 million people), are homosexuals (1). Other countries have issued laws like the above which apply to them as well. Why didn't the Greek Justice Department do the same? Is it fair that the law does not apply to them as well? Why cannot they have their fair share in equality and welfare?

Ancient Greeks seemed to have no problem with homosexuality, since we have many reports of it in the ancient scriptures and we know that they favoured homosexuality among people for many reasons. Even in the army, they believed that soldiers could protect each other better if there was some kind of closer relationship than a friendly one. Nevertheless, modern...