Huck finn

Essay by mezhoudiHigh School, 11th grade April 2005

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Mark Twain'sThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a bildungsroman (coming of age novel) as well as a picaresque (a story that occurs during a journey). Huck embarks on an adventure that transforms him from a naïve child to a mature young adult. Throughout his journey, Huck experiences many encounters that help change him like staying at the Grangerfords, traveling with the duke and dauphin, and freeing Jim from the Phelps family. Huck does not want to be "sivilized". He begins his journey on the river as a young boy looking for adventure and wanting to escape society because he is trapped between being educated and housed by the Widow Douglas and living in the wild with his drunken, illiterate father. Through Huck's decision making and going against society he becomes an individual and a leader rather than a follower of society.

Huck's arrival at the Grangerfords in chapter 17 shows that he is still a young teenage boy because he feels he is in a palace when in actuality, the Grangerfords' home is gaudy and old.

He thinks "nothing could be better," and finds a boy his age, Buck. Staying there he learns of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Sheperdsons and blames himself for starting the latest fight between the two families because he helped Sophia escape. He is glad to get away from the feud, and is saddened when he sees all the blood and victims. Although staying at the house seemed comforting, he cannot wait to get back on the raft where he feels truly safe, "...there warn't no home like a raft, after all."

Another instance where Huck's maturity is clearly seen is upon meeting the con artists. Immediately, Huck knows they are frauds, but decides it is wise not to say anything to...