How Huck Matures

Essay by XobitRacerHigh School, 11th grade May 2004

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We, as Americans, have trouble with our "identity". We go through life trying to find who we are. Now, not all of us, but it would be correct to say a lot of Americans are lost. Not lost like they can't find their home, but mentally lost. Many people are trying to find their true self and "identity''. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is a great book about just this. Many Americans can relate to this book because we often find ourselves going through the same struggles as Huck Finn.

Huck Finn is a boy who doesn't know what to do or what he wants. It's safe to say that Huck is easily influenced by his surroundings. He doesn't have a mind of his own. Huck is a young, lost boy, taking a journey through life. As the novel proceeds, Huck matures as a person. However, the ending of the novel ignores this fact.

The novel seems as if it starts all over again.

In the beginning of the novel Huck follows what ever his friend Tom Sayer does. Tom Sayer is a very playful boy whom lives out his life in a fantasyland. Huck, being a follower, picks up on this lifestyle. Later when Huck leaves with his dad, life becomes more real to him. He no longer can play cops and robbers anymore. He now has to deal with his dad abusing him, and how he's going to get out of this situation. When he finally runs away from that abuse, he runs into Jim who needs help running away. The two pair up and decide to go on with life. Although Huck left his dad, he still didn't have a mind of his own and still referred back to what his dad, the Widow,