Common Sense
In the novel Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, two characters are portrayed, revealing themselves as heroic figures. Huck and Jim, two opposites traveling down the Mississippi River searching for freedom, land into predicaments were they must use their wits to overcome. Huck and Jim's strengths and weaknesses determine the outcome of their escape from "sivilization".
Huck has the ability to adapt to almost any situation through dishonesty. Huck lies, cheats, and swindles his way down the river. "All right then I'll go to hell," Huck says when he realizes he is betraying society to help a black slave. He suppresses his emotions and handles loneliness in a mature way. ". . .she drifted in so close that they could 'a' run out a plank and walked ashore. Most everybody was on the boat. Pap, and Judge Thatcher, and Bessie Thatcher, and Joe Harper, and Tom Sawyer, and his old Aunt Polly, and Sid, and Mary and plenty more."(34)
This quote shows Huck's strength of being able to suppress his emotions. Intelligence is another great strength Huck possesses, he is cunning enough to frame his own murder in the house. Huck is motivated enough and goes through with his escape and fake death. Huck's weaknesses set him back from having a perfect escape. His curiosity which is powered by his immaturity set him back from being the real hero. For example the night when Jim and Huck lost each other in the fog and the next morning Huck acts as if they had never been separated which hurts Jim's feelings.
Jim's greatest strength is his loyalty to his friends and his honest heart. He is the observer of his surroundings. Jim observes the nervous action of the birds and predicts it will rain, Jim's prediction comes true...