Hunted Mansion

Essay by Daron ZwinkHigh School, 10th gradeA+, January 1997

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Hunted Mansion

One day I was walking along side a road that not to many people travel on. All of a sudden it started storming really bad. I didn't want to get sick so I decided to run into an old abandoned house for cover. No one lived there, I was sure of that. As I got in, I looked around and noticed what a spooky house it was. It seemed really spooky.

I saw a large room that was the foyer. The room had a checkered tile floor. It was lit a dark blue color. There were two lights on either side of the staircase that led to the second floor. Off to the right of the large foyer was a door that led to the kitchen. The kitchen was old a musty smelling. As I walked to the back of the kitchen, I noticed a door.

I stared at it. A second later it opened! I ran out of the kitchen as fast as I could and ran up the stairs.

Up stairs it was even darker. I saw a long narrow hallway with a lot of doors on both sides and on the end. I checked all of the doors and I could only get into one of them. I walked into the one that I could get into and heard someone yelling and pleading. I grew scared but then noticed it wasn't a person. It looked like a hologram, but you could see and hear him. He seemed to be pleading for his life. I could not see whom he was talking to, but I don't think it was a person. The man was balding and looked like he was in his upper forties. He was saying, 'I am sorry for coming into your...