Hyperactivity...a major problem?

Essay by poison17 April 2006

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Hyperactivity is a descriptive term that refers to restless, distractible children who have a knack for disrupting order at home and at school. They have poor impulse control, often display abrupt mood swings, have inappropriate anger, and sometimes are violent. Their schoolwork suffers from inattention, disorganization, poor memory, and behavior disruptive of an otherwise orderly classroom. They have average or above-average intelligence. Hyperactive behavior and attention deficits are often connected so that the term attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become popular.

Food chemistry and food allergy play an important role in causing learning and behavioral problems in children. Whenever children are sick or influenced by food and/or airborne chemicals, their brain function is compromised and symptoms include disturbances of sensing, feeling, remembering and acting. Their learning is impaired and their behavior may be disturbed. The intention of compassionate biological management is to restore orderly, normal functioning of the child by careful revision of environmental conditions and food intake .

ADHD may improve as children age, but many children are permanently handicapped by a combination of poor achievement, low self-esteem, antisocial behavior, and persisting problems of disorganized psychic energy. It is likely that juvenile delinquency and, later, criminal adaptations are linked to the ADHD complex.

Several theories have been advanced to explain ADHD. The theory of "minimal brain damage or dysfunction" had many advocates. The child is viewed as having a fixed disability, manifesting a structural problem of brain, acquired during prenatal development or at birth. Language disability or dyslexia has also been attributed to a fixed circuitry problem in the brain that impairs encoding and decoding of language symbols. These brain-damage theories ignore the living, dynamic properties of the brain; they seem to view the brain as a simple appliance or computer that comes hardwired to behave in a...