Hypothesis testing.

Essay by KinghighUniversity, Master's January 2006

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In reviewing the many research studies and articles where a hypothesis is used for testing purposes, it was clear that medical studies and clinical research use the words hypothesis and testing more frequently than business and economic sectors. Surely, this could be as a result of my search process, but more likely as a result of the scientific nature of hypothesis testing and its' roots found in true science. Business and other industries have become more scientific with their research approach, which means there will be more evidence of hypothesis testing in business industries like the financial services arena.

From the reference article chosen the hypothesis is written very clearly which helped identify it easily. Hasnain, Mensah, Levy, and Sinacore hypothesized that high religiosity would be associated with a lower likelihood of IDUs (illicit drug user) engaging in risky behaviors for HIV transmission. (2005) In all 1095 subjects were sampled and just under 900 with self-identified religious beliefs in Christianity, Judaism, or Islam were chosen to prove or disprove the hypothesis.

Logistic regression was used to sample strength of religious beliefs (strong, somewhat, not strong at all), independent of specific religious belief, and the relation to 12 categorized unsafe sex and drug abuse practices.

Contrary to the stated hypothesis, the study concluded that people having claimed religiosity as a characteristic ended up having higher levels of unsafe practices than those who did not claim religious beliefs. In addition, the four practices found to be more prevalent in self-identified religiosity subjects turn out to be some of the most dangerous and personally harmful of the 12 practices categorized for this study. They include sharing needles, cookers, cotton, and water.

This evidence seems to fly in the face of past statistical information and warrants further review, as stated...