Ideologies of the reader is a main factor which results in the readers reading.

Essay by raotownHigh School, 11th gradeA-, April 2004

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Texts can produce various readings due to many factors. Two texts that have recently been studied are, "Stolen Car" by Archie Wellar, "Manhood" by John Wain, and "Through the Tunnel" by Doris Lessing. All these texts presented the reading that boys feel the need to be men. The various factors that produced the reading included, values and beliefs (ideologies), characters, and point of view. Other possible reads produced from the text can occur; this is because of the result of the various factors, such possible reading is that boys are forced to act like men, to be strong physically, or mentally.

The values and beliefs of the reader have a large part to play in the reading of the text. Depending on the ideologies of the reader, the reader can have an interpretation of the writings. Such examples from the text "Thought the Tunnel" are, "It was a torment to him to waste a day of his careful self-training...".

Depending on the ideologies of the reader it can either present a reading of "boys feel the need to be men" by him training to be strong. Because ideologies can vary, another possible reading is that "boys are forced to act like men, to be strong mentally", forcing him to torment himself just to gain approval from the older boys at the rocks. Another example of text which has the ideologies of the reader to produce the reading of the reader is, "Manhood". One reading from this text is that "boys feel the need to be men". The factor that produces this reading is the values and beliefs of the reader, an example from the text that would encourage the readers reading is "It just seems silly to go to bed when..." , this quote was about the...