If you're looking for a colorblind American society, take off the rose colored glasses is about reverse discrimination in America and how it is commonly ignored.

Essay by KellieGirlHigh School, 12th gradeA, July 2002

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A recent article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer entitled "Let's Finish Eradicating Racism" discussed the racism towards African and Asian Americans and also the issue of reparations for slavery. Sure there are plenty of racist people in the United States, but are they all white people discriminating against black?

The article also talked about having a "colorblind" society, which is a novel idea, but highly improbable. If America wants to be colorblind, then why is there a special group to fund only African American college tuition? If there was a special group to fund only white people, the NAACP would be all up in arms over it. And, speaking of the NAACP, why is it necessary to have a "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"? Again, there would be an uproar if there was a advancement association for white people. If the reason for that is many African Americans are found in the low income bracket, then why not have a National Association for the Advancement of POOR People? That would take the whole color racism issue out of the picture.

Then ALL low income families could help their children to help themselves by giving them a good education and not just "colored" families.

Even on national television, racism is apparent. But this isn't the normal "whites oppressing blacks", rather it's the other way around. "The Real World" is a show on MTV where seven people live together in a house and have their lives taped for the world to watch. In the latest season, set in New York, three out of seven housemates are white. One of these three is Mike, who being from a small, predominately white town in the Midwest, doesn't know all the politically correct phrases and courtesy one needs to know. So...