Imapact Of The Industrial Revolution

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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The Industrial Revolution was a time of dramatic change; the revolution brought out many advantages and progressed society itself. The most dominant country through the times of Industrial revolution was of course Great Britain. When reading the article by Braudel it?s clear to see that for fully understanding the aspects of industrial revolution and growth in Britain you must look at all factors that played a role. From the British agriculture structure, textiles-cotton, trading, and inventions.

What does industrialization mean, ??the industrial revolution, means everything society, economy, political structures, public opinion and the rest.? (The Industrial Revolution and Growth 557 pg.6). Braudel heavily emphasizes on all the aspects, of the industrial revolution starting with agriculture. Even though Braudel defines industrialization as the transition from a predominantly agricultural society to one in which manufacturing dominates, agriculture in itself plays a big role (588 pg.37). For England it was different than most countries, agriculture did not come from wonder crops yet it came through with the new methods of land use.

?New time tables for ploughing, new forms of crop rotation??(559 pg.8) and various other methods created a system called ?high farming?. Since the increase of population in Britain many refugees were entrepreneurial farmers. With the expansion of towns demand for meat went up resulting in animal farms, which was very profitable. The massive expansion of livestock also influenced the growth of crops due to the amount of manure produced by the livestock, recited by Jones ?virtuous cycle? (560 pg.9). According to E.A. Wigley the rice in agricultural productivity between 1650 and 1750 was at least 13% (560 pg.9). All this can be credited because of the massive population increase providing manpower and sustainability during the seventeen-century crisis, which was a rough time in England. The crisis made every ?average Joe? work...