Was the immigration era (1900s) benefitial to America or not? United States would never become what it is today if it was not for immigrants all over the world.

Essay by Laxchick_31High School, 11th grade February 2004

download word file, 3 pages 5.0

At the end of the nineteenth century, a word got out on how great things were in America. The New World was often referred to as "a land of honey where all the streets were paved with gold" (The Immigrant song) and had a welcome slogan of "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor; Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free" (Emma Lazarus). Soon enough, millions of people were coming to see for themselves. Many left their homelands in a search of a better life. Fleeing from religious and cultural persecutions, joblessness and sometimes even homelessness, the immigrants came to America in infinite numbers. They came, penniless, having nowhere to go, and nowhere to live. Instead of suitcases or any material posessions, the only thing they often brought with them was their faith. They came believing that this country will change their lives, when in fact, they were the one who changed America, making it a great nation, and one of the most industrialized countries in the world.

The first, and probably the most remarkable thing immigrants contributed to the New World was their skills, dedication and tenacity that made everything else possible. Step by step, piece by piece, and with diligent effort, they made America one of the most industrialized countries in the world. Willing to do anything they could to provide living for themselves and their families, they worked the hardest and the dirtiest jobs, earning just enough to make the ends meet. They were willing to accept lower wages and horrid conditions, and by doing that, they "kept wages competitive and thus helped to attract investments in industry. But that was only the beginning. Soon enough, they were building "our modern cities" and railroads, creating whole new surroundings and methods of transportation. The immigrants' strugglings were worth it...