The impact of modern art and architecture in the late Ottoman period.

Essay by OsuyelUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, November 2006

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A lot of important events occurred from the beginning to the end of Ottoman Empire namely wars, conclusions of peace and conquests. In addition to these, especially the effects of westernization which started with the Tulip Period were remarkable in the 19th century .These effects were obviously seen in the fields of science, culture, art and architecture. With the help of westernization palaces and other institutions were built in European style and even after this period European architects had influence on the Ottoman architecture and this led to built several buildings. Moreover, a lot of people who had improved themselves with the education they had in Europe were effective in the construction of many buildings, kiosks and palaces.

This paper aims to state the effects of westernization on Ottoman Architecture and the new forms of art which had a start again with the contributions of westernization.


The most important factor of westernization -without doubt-was in the military field which was considered very important by the empire.

Therefore it was unavoidable that this would conclude in some changes in the fields of music, art and architecture. Especially, the new military barracks were built in neo-classical style -which was considered to be common in France- and it was one of the unavoidable result of westernization.

Even it was 1801 when the construction techniques and aesthetics were included in the syllabus in Ottoman Empire at Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayûn ,it was 1882 that a holistic architecture syllabus was first applied when Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi opened. Like all the other architecture schools of that time,not only its syllabus but also its staff was formed with the help of Eeaux Art which was carried out in France.


There is no doubt that one of the most important...