The impact that slavery had on 19th century America was manifested in various ways.

Essay by iwishiwasgoodHigh School, 10th grade October 2002

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The impact that slavery had on 19th century America was manifested in various ways. Black slavery contradicted the laws of a non-racial environment. It also created a lot of controversy over the rights of coloured people. A major part of slavery was the involvement of blacks who were considered second class citizens and were treated unfairly. It created a rage of consecutive assassinations throughout America during the19th century. One of the main reasons the blacks succeeded in liberating themselves from slavery and racialism was Martin Luther King Jr.

Black slavery has contradicted the laws of a non-racial environment. America disregarded the fact that blacks were no different to whites except in colour. The blacks were subjected to racial remarks from the public. It was said by Martin Luther King Jn. that being born black in the early 19th century was the worst disadvantage anyone could have ever been born with.

The blacks were treated as though they were animals.

Black slavery created a lot of controversy over the rights of coloured people. Black citizens were not aloud to exercise their rights in either voting or education on an equal footing with the whites. Using public transport or public amenities were dangerous racial tasks for the average black citizen that could lead to corporal punishment or even imprisonment by the unfair police authorities.

Black slavery created a rage of consecutive assassinations throughout America during the 19th century. The first assassination was J.F.Kennedy who was killed while in a parade in his car. The second was a helper of Martin Luther King Jr. and was killed while making a speech. Martin said that he would not live to see 40, ironically, was killed a year later while standing on his hotel balcony.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the main reason the blacks...