Individual Reconcilation

Essay by edgargdoUniversity, Master'sA+, July 2008

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Can one person harmonize with the world? This paper will discuss how an individual reconciles personal, organizational and cultural values and ethics in a global setting. We will talk about the common ground among people and how a person can have several sets of values depending on the needs of others. The evolution of values and how they change will be discussed, as well as how organizational and world values change with the times. With the help of social scientists we will see how people can reconcile their values and ethics with world values.

Common GroundReconciliation is harmonizing or getting along with others. How does an individual harmonize in such a world of such diverse people and culture? One approach is looking for common ground. What basic values tie one another together? Finding these values and common ideals builds relationships and trust. The organization, Search for Common Ground (SFCG) recognizes the importance of working together in its program overview, stating its goal to "catalyze and facilitate cooperative approaches to problem-solving that produce long-term solutions (,

2007)." SFCG plans to launch a project in January 2007 to enhance US relations with the Muslim World (, 2007). This is a major undertaking by the organization but it is needed to find that common ground between these cultures so we can live more harmoniously. In the day to day workings of our lives people are continuously, albeit subconsciously, searching for that common denominator when dealing with their peers, employers, spouses, and strangers. Finding common ground gives a sense of comfort to individuals as they associate with people of varying cultures and attitudes.

Multiple ValuesWhile common ground brings people together by finding similar interests or values, an individual operating under several sets of values can also interface with a variety of people harmoniously. People...