Integrated Information Management

Essay by melissaknottCollege, UndergraduateA-, November 2007

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Developing an integrated information management system for human services organizations is not only helpful but cost effective. The use of these systems free up space and time. This system allows managers to run the business effectively because the system keeps everything together. There are many considerations when developing an information system.

1.economic resources3.sociological4.political5.organizational purpose, mission, and philosophy6.technological environments7.technological resources8.organizational planning9.organizational operations10.human resources11.technological resourcesEconomic factors are important to consider because the organization runs on money. "It is important to develop a reputation with funders for being able to produce relevant and responsive information in a timely way (Kettner, 2002). Without having a good system to keep track of funding and where it comes from the business might come up short on cash when needed. Most funding comes from contributors donating monies. Funding can come from contributors and consumers.

Sociological factors are what type of place the business is and what type of people they are aimed at.

Contributors are people or organizations which donate money to businesses that they believe in. These contributors need to know the money is being used wisely or the business will lose them. Using a system reports can be drawn up to show the charitable people to assure them the money is being used properly. Referral sources are interested in the smaller things like staff or qualifications. Consumers are the people that will go to the business to get help or buy goods. A business normally watches their competitors to gain knowledge about their own strong and weak areas. When organizations watch other organizations the consumers will win every time.

Politics are in everything from school to government, but most importantly in Organizations. Most organization has steps that the plans have to go through before being put in place. Certain guidelines have to be followed...