Investigate the way love is presented by three different poets in at least two different historical periods

Essay by DigiHigh-TecHigh School, 12th grade July 2004

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Investigate the way love is presented by three different poets in at least two different historical periods

The three poems chosen for this essay where The Sunne Rising by John Donne which was written in the early 1600's with the best guess being around 1603, Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare written in the same time period around 1600 and the modern poem Reminders by Geoff Goodfellow written in the late 1990's. All three poems focus on love from the poets prospective circulating around different subjects the poets decided to base their poem on. It is important to state that the views represented in this essay on the way love has been interpreted by the poets are my own interpretations and influenced by my own feelings on the subject.

Sonnet 116, The Sunne Rising and Reminders are all love poems however the poems subject matters and meanings are very different. Sonnet 116 is about love in its most idealistic form.

It glorifies lovers who have come together through their own resolve and entered into a relationship based on trust and understanding alone. The Sunne Rising written in the same time period is an eccentric poem for its time. It is arrogant and full of conceit as he glorifies himself and his lover 'She is all states, and all Princes, I, Nothing else is' implying he and his lover are every country, every where placing them in a status above Kings. The poem itself is about the legitimacy of the suns authority over the two lovers. Reminders unlike the previous two poems is modern, written in the late 1990's. It portrays the struggle of the poet as he is faced with the reality that his lover has left him as he finds all her little physical marks she left behind. The three...