Its a myth. if you ever got an assignment to write a myth, this is the essay foryou. i got 100% on this. and im sure u could too.

Essay by tsl42189Junior High, 9th grade May 2004

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The Man in the Moon

Back in ancient Greece, there was a goddess known as Pathagrea, the goddess of the heavens and earth. She was fair and reasonable, not stubborn or jealous in any way. Pathagrea was loved by all on Earth, and all the gods and goddesses of the heavens.

Zarium, the god of speed, had a son named Criptimus. Criptimus was always finding ways to get himself into trouble on Earth and in the heavens. He roamed places he was told not to venture into, and went against his fathers word and did things he was not supposed to do. One day Criptimus went to Pathagrea to ask her if he could play in the spaces outside the Earth and heavens. Considering parts of the universe held evil and danger, Pathagrea told him "Criptimus, the spaces outside the Earth are extremely dangerous and evil lies within them. Do not venture into those parts, for it will only hold a terrible fate for you."

Knowing this, Criptimus, after contemplating this over and over in his head, he decided to go anyway, and borrow his fathers invisibility chariot. By using this invisibility chariot, he could only be seen by the owner of the chariot and whomever the owner says can view it. So Criptimus took his fathers chariot and left the heavens to fly into the outer spaces of the universe. There he saw many planets, all of which were dark and cold and foggy. All except one, one that from the outward appearance seemed peaceful and joyous, but Criptimus did not know what terrible things that planet of Goar held.

When he came close to the planets atmosphere, he saw waterfalls, and fields of flowers. So he thought to himself, what could be so bad about this place? So...