Who Is Jack The Ripper And What Impact Did He Have On Societ?

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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Who is Jack the Ripper and what impact did he have on Society? Jack the Ripper isn't a real person; it's just the name that people associate with the murderer of several English prostitutes who were murdered in 1888 in Whitechapel, England. We call the murderer by a nickname because we don't know his real name. The first sexual serial killer in history was never caught. The only way we can try to piece together the puzzle the Ripper has left us is to examine his murders and known movements, and his impact on society can only be determined by surveys.

It was Bank Holiday Monday, August 6, 1888. For England's hard working middle-class, it was a day to relax, possibly visiting relatives or spending a day at the beach. For the poor in London's East End slums near Whitechapel, it would prove to be a day full of unbelievable rumors followed with prayers hoping that they are just rumors.

Waterside laborer John Saunders Reeves was descending the stairs of the George Yard Building where he lived at 4:45 A.M. to go to work early when he found the body. All he saw was the body of a woman lying in a pool of blood before he rushed to get a policeman. When he returned with PC Thomas Barrett, they were both utterly horrified when they got a closer look. The woman had been stabbed in various places at least thirty-five times! This is the first murder that Ripperologists credit with the unknown being known only as the name given to him by the press (the one that he even chose to use himself in letters to the Central News Agency), Jack the Ripper!?! Dr. Timothy Robert Killeen arrived at the scene at 5:30 A.M. to do a quick...