James Cameron - An Auteurist Critique

Essay by jvaccaroCollege, UndergraduateA-, December 2006

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What do you get when you mix action, comedy, special effects, explosions, gunshots, nuclear warheads, people running, outlandish film sets generally involving the water, helicopters, claustrophobia, and a movie that has gone significantly over budget? You get a James Cameron film. James Cameron is the first director to film both a $100 million and a $200 million movie, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Titanic respectively (www.imbd.com). In addition, James Cameron's Titanic has gone on to become one of the top grossing films in history, receiving 14 Academy Award nominations and awarded 11 Oscars, tying the 1959 record set by Ben Hur.

James Francis Cameron, or "Iron Jim" as he is also known, was born August 16th, 1954 in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada. His nickname is attributed to his stubbornness as a director and on set, but defends this behavior by the following quote; ""People call me a perfectionist, but I'm not.

I'm a rightist. I do something until its right, and then I move on to the next thing."

James is the eldest of 5 children and came to the United States with his family in 1971. James attended California State University Fullerton where he majored in physics and in order to finance his screen writing dream, he drove a delivery truck. James has been married five times; all women with the exception of his first wife have been in the film industry and two of them were leading ladies in his movies. Sadly, none of these unions has lasted beyond the six year mark, although he may exceed that with current wife Suzy Amis whom he married in 2000. James and Suzy are owners of Childspot! which is an early childhood center in Wichita, Kansas and is operated by Rebecca Amis, Suzy's sister. James's production company is 'Lightstorm Entertainment',