Jane Eyre and Feminism

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Jane Eyre and Feminism In Charlotte Bronte?s Jane Eyre, there is more than enough support to imply that the attitude of Jane Eyre is actually a feminist novel. Throughout the novel, Jane establishes us with an immediate account of a woman?s achievement over hardships. Through strength and uprightness, Jane is able to break free of the form that society attempted to set her in. The power and independence that Jane manages to get hold of is quite abnormal for this time period. Charlotte Bronte uses Jane?s struggles not only to judge sexual placement during that time, but also to establish to all women the need for sexual equality.

In the beginning of Jane Eyre, Jane struggles with Bessie the nurse at Gateshead Hall. Jane says, ?I resisted all the way? a new thing for me?? (Bronte, 24) This sentence shows a future of the book; the theme of female independence and rebelliousness.

Jane is here resisting her unfair punishment, but throughout the story she expresses her opinions on the status of women. Before Jane leaves Gateshead, she finally stands up for herself against Mrs. Reed by saying, ?I gathered my energies and launched them in this blunt sentence?? (Bronte, 47) This is a major point in Jane?s life, one that may affect her life, since her future experiences had some influences from her time at Gateshead. After her vengeance at Mrs. Reed, Jane feels over-powered. ?Ere I had finished this reply, my soul began to expand, to exult, with the strangest sense of freedom, of triumph, I ever felt.?(Bronte, 48) This strength gives Jane a sense of self-confidence to go out in the world and be what she wants to be. She straightforwardly addressed a fear, stood up for herself and gained the strength and courage that...