Johnny Cade and Donny_1 person in the 2 characters compare characters from Teenage Wasteland written by Anne Tyler and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.

Essay by superskullHigh School, 11th gradeA+, August 2005

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Johnny Cade and Donny_1 person in the 2 characters

After reading Teenage Wasteland written by Anne Tyler and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, I saw there were two different characters in two different stories but they had many similarities and of course also some differences that made them have become special in my eyes.

Johnny Cade was a poor kid lives in the East side of the city. In contrast, Donny studied in a private school, lived in a prosperous family, but they both had bad grades in school and that was one of the main reasons of Johnny skipped high school and Donny got expelled and moved to a public school. Johnny's mother didn't care about him, she didn't know when did he get home, she just ignored the present of Johnny in the family, as same as he was not her son. On the other hand, Daisy, Donny's mother, pretended to care about Donny. When Mr. Lanham, the principal of the school, called her because of Donny's faults, she was ashamed her self and tried to help Donny, but deep far in her mind, if she loved and if she had taken care to Donny, she would know every things about her son, and she could stop him not to do bad things in the school. Without the taking care of his mother, Johnny had become rougher; he spent most of his time with his gang, didn't live in his house for a long time. Similar to Johnny, Donny vanished his home at the final exam in his new school. They both couldn't stay in a family where there was no love, their parents lived their own life, doesn't care about their children or just pretend to take care because they wanted...