"Jonathan Livinston Seagull" by Richard Bach.

Essay by ChromeXJunior High, 9th grade March 2004

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Topic: Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Purpose:to Characterize the protagonist in Richard Bach's allegoric novel, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Thesis: Through his pursuit of perfection, Jonathan has showed outstanding perseverance, compassion, and has proven to be an inspirational seagull.




"Perfection doesn't have limits. Perfect my son is being there."(Bach 65) At least that's the way it is to Jonathan. In Richard Bach's allegoric novel, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Jon is on a quest of discovery; to find perfect flight. Through his pursuit of perfection, Jonathan has showed outstanding perseverance, compassion, and has proven to be an inspirational seagull.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is not a bird to give up, and will persevere through any challenge laid before him. In the beginning of his days in the flock, he could be found over the ocean, moving from lesson to lesson, practicing the dynamics of flight. Although he was not a good flyer at first he practiced and practiced until he got it right.

While learning about high-speed flight, "ten times he tried and all ten times...he burst into a churning mass of feathers,"(Bach 20) and even after failing so many times, kept on at it. Jon also shows his perseverance with Fletcher Seagull. When Fletcher cried to Jonathan, "You're wasting your time with me Jonathan! I'm too dumb, I'm too stupid! I'll try and try and I'll never get it!"(Bach 102) Instead of quitting, Jonathan continued to teach him. If anyone can outlast any challenge, it's Jonathan Livingston Seagull!

Jonathan is, as Sully said, "a one-in-a-million bird!"(Bach 61) Jon's compassion for flying is comparable to no other. "[For] most other gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating. For [Jonathan], it was not eating that mattered, but flight. More than anything else, Jonathan loved to fly."(Bach...