This is a journal Article... I read the article and then made the paper.. Processing speeds of children in the 1st year of life....Psychology class.. w/ reference

Essay by dominoCollege, UndergraduateA, January 2004

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Journal Article Report:

Processing Speed in the 1st Year of Life


In earlier studies it has been suggested that individual differences in processing speed has

its roots in infancy. Also in those studies it was suggested that preterm infants were significantly

slower with processing and memory skills than full-term infants. The study that was done in this

paper was to prove whether or not infants of preterm and full-term pregnancies had any effect on

their processing speed and memory abilities. Several aspects of attention were also tested. In this

particular study the preterms were compared to the full-terms on many levels. I will discuss a few

of those comparisons.


The hypothesis of the students performing this study was that infants of preterm

pregnancies would be dramatically slower than those of full-term pregnancies, just as found in the

earlier studies.


The subjects tested in this study consisted of 153 full-terms (75 female, 78 male), 144 of

them returned at 7 months (72 female, 72 male), and 126 of them returned at 12 months (61

female, 65 male).

The amount of preterms were a follows, 50 infants at 5 months (26 female, 24

male), 59 infants at 7 months (28 female, 31 male), and 56 at 12 months ( 25 female, 31 male).

The preterms and full-terms all had similar demographic backgrounds: gender, birth order,

parental education, and ethnicity. All the infants were tested in a three-sided booth made of panels

of black fabric. There was a display panel that allowed the observer to know what was going on.

At 5, 7, and 9 months the infants were shown 19 black and white photographs, all of the same

size. One of the 19 photos was a familiar face to the child being tested. All the children sat on a...