The Jungle Book

Essay by Msanchez1College, UndergraduateA, November 2014

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The Jungle Book

Law of the Jungle

In "The Jungle Book" the law of the jungle is a code that all the animals live by. The law of the jungle is defined as "the code of survival in jungle life, now usually with reference to the superiority of brute force or self-interest in the struggle for survival" (The Oxford Dictionary). Everyone has heard the different sayings such as, "every man for himself," "survival of the fittest," "dog eat dog," and "eat or be eaten," this is the Law of the Jungle.

The Law of the Jungle is a set of legal codes used by the wolves in their everyday life. Along with the wolves, other wild animals of the jungle are taught of this code from the moment they are born. The law explains how they should behave, their obligations to the pack, and the way of life they must obey.

The wolves are taught basic principles of social co-operation within the society and understand that if they disobey the laws there are consequences. In in the novel "The Jungle Book" not all wolves obeyed the law of the jungle, Shere Khan, the "lame" tiger hunts humans which is against the law of the jungle. This law is in place because the animals believe that humans are defenseless and will retaliate with guns, torches, and rockets to kill, and only then everyone in the jungle will suffer.

The law of the jungle plays a major role throughout the book, as Mowgli grew we were able to see how he was taught the dos and don'ts of the law and how to obey the law. This is the bears, wolves, panthers, and snakes way of life and they did not deter from it. There were many moments...