Justification of Colonists' War and Wage

Essay by asolacheHigh School, 10th gradeA, November 2014

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The American Revolution may have been seen as unjustified by colonists for having fair taxes, defense for colonists by the British, and peace attempted to be made with the colonists. However, colonists were justified in rebelling and waging war against England due to feeling that they were being taxed without representation, losing the rights of an Englishman, and violence set against them. Being thousands of miles away from the mother colony, these colonists were treated differently, and it was about time that they sought independence.

Taxation without representation, one major cause leading to the American Revolution, was the motto of many colonists in the mid to late seventeen hundreds. Many colonists felt that they were not being directly represented by the distant British Parliament, but that they were being directly as well as unfairly taxed, down to the paper they used. People became outraged and began rebelling against such ridiculous acts being enforced.

George Hewes exemplifies the risks colonists took during the Boston Tea Party. Colonists were resisting the tea imported from England as a way to boycott the unfair taxes being enforced on them. From this, Warnings to "Enemies, Miscreants, and Detestable Tools" began in order to threaten colonists with violence to support boycotting against British laws such as the Tea Act and Stamp Act. Organizations such as the Sons of Liberty would do such things, creating boycotts in an attempt to stop such laws that would levy money upon colonists. Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania as well exemplifies that acts, such as the Townshend Acts, who claimed the right to enforce duties on these colonists and levy money upon them. The Townshend Acts suggestion was to use the revenue to pay the salaries of colonial governors. This not only angered, but worried colonist because they would then...