Key Historical Events In Nursing Research And Development

Essay by pixichic333University, Bachelor'sA-, September 2009

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Florence Nightingale's contribution of researching the importance of providing for cleanliness, water purity, diet, and fresh air in order to improve the outcomes of client recovery was the beginning of nursing research (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 9). This research provided knowledge that influenced clinical nursing practice. The importance of this research remains evident today as hand washing remains the number one deterrent to infection.

Development of the first Masters Degree Program at Yale University in 1929 allowed for the expansion of educational opportunities for nurses (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 9). This program allows for nurses with an MSN to lead a health care team in making changes in nursing practice and within the health care system based on research (Burns & Grove, p. 7). MSN trained nurses may also collaborate in projects with other nurse scientists (Burns & Grove, p. 7). The development of the Masters Degree Program at Yale University allowed for the generation of refining the existing knowledge and increasing the existing knowledge base that influences clinical nursing practice which provides for a higher degree of nursing research development (Burns & Grove, p.

490). Evidence of the need for higher learning opportunities remains evident as more nurses are going on to higher levels of learning and continue to generate more knowledge in nursing research.

In 1989 the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) was established (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10). The AHCPR was established to make improvements to the direction of outcomes research (Burns & Grove, p. 12). Outcome research is used to examine the outcomes of client care which influences clinical nursing practice (Burns & Grove, p. 490). The ongoing need is evident in today's nursing practice as client's needs are ever increasing and becoming more difficult to manage.

Nursing Research was...