"To Kill a Mockingbird" Themes Essay

Essay by lil_footy_g August 2006

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In 'To Kill a Mockingbird' many morals about the themes in the novel are portrayed through different issues and events. The major themes are appearance vs. reality courage, maturity and prejudice. Each of these themes has an event in the novel that help the reader understand its message.

Courage is shown by different characters in varying ways throughout the novel. These characters are Jem, Boo Radley, Mrs. Dubose and Atticus. Jem shows a small amount of courage when Atticus decides to face a lynch mob. Jem understands who they are and what they want to do, but he still refuses to go home and remains to defend his father. Boo Radley also shows courage by putting all his fears of the outside world behind him to save Jem and Scout's lives.

Atticus displayed a large amount of courage in the novel, especially through accepting the Robinson case. He knew that defending Tom Robinson meant downgrading his social status and possibly risking his and his children's lives, but he still did what he had to do.

He also displayed courage when he decided to face a lynch mob alone to protect Tom Robinson. Atticus lived up to his own definition of courage. Atticus knew that his children didn't like or understand Mrs. Dubose and he made them read to her every day for a month. After her death he explained to them that Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict and her goal was to give it up before she died. Through this, he taught his children what real courage is and this sends a direct message through to the reader about this theme.

There are many incorrect perceptions in Maycomb County which help the reader understand one of the most prominent themes, appearance vs. reality. Jem's judgement of Mrs. Dubose...