The Kite Runner: An essay analyzing Hosseinis illustration of Bad Parenting as a universal problem of society

Essay by sbthebmxerHigh School, 12th gradeA+, November 2008

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Khaled Hosseini, in his first novel, The Kite Runner, illustrates the importance of great attention, care and love for the success of proper parenting. Through a plot wrapped around consecutive images of bad parenting, the importance of proper parenting emerges and is emphasized. Baba neglecting Amir's emotional needs, Hassan's desertion of Sohrab when he is killed, and the promise Amir breaks for Sohrab are all examples of faulty parenting apparent in The Kite Runner. Religions and professors are provide prevalent guides for successful parenting while voices of songs and literature reflect disappointments in family interactions and outcomesThe captivating plot of the story is, in fact, held together by Baba's neglect of Amir, and Amir's need for parental love. Amir, the main character, spent his entire childhood determined to earn his father's affection, to the point where it caused him to betray his closest friend. This betrayal and the persistent questioning of his father's love and lack of parenting overshadow Amir's life.

To illustrate his love for his father, Amir explains, "I worshipped Baba with an intensity that was almost religious" (32). Additionally, the child's love and cherish for his father is apparent when he explains, "…it wasn't often Baba talked to me, let alone let me sit on his lap- and I'd been a fool to waste it" (17). This shows the level of respect and appreciation Amir has for his Father. Baba is not always home, however, because he is busy with his job and with helping members of the community. Amir desperately wanted time with his father. He expresses this feeling when after winning the kite fighting contest, he muses "I remember I was fairly happy when Baba was home. We'd eat together, go to see a film, visit Kaka Homayoun or Kaka Faruq. Sometimes Rahim...