Korean Conflict

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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During the Korean War, one of the bloodiest wars in history, the U.S. dominated United Nations armed forces gave military aid to South Korea; by resisting the invasion of its northern counter part. However, North Korea was supported by the USSR (The Soviet Union) and China (http://www.nara.gov/ /korea/home.html). The war was ended by a military armistice, which divided the Korean peninsula into two separate parts along the 38th parallel. Until now, the U.S. has shown great interest for the permanent peace throughout Korea. Its armed forces remain in South Korea to prevent any military action against the peace agreement declared on July 27, 1953 (The Korean War 124). The U.S. has also worked hard for the reunification of Korea by encouraging communication between the North and South.

Among all the nations represented in the UN during the Korean War, the United States provided the most military support, equipment, and food.

Moreover, the U.S. demanded that the United Nations give military aid to the Korean peninsula, against the Communist oppression. In analyzing the Korean War, one would divide the war into eight parts in a chronological way: Pre-war session, Invasion of South Korea, U.S. entering the war, Pusan perimeter, Inchon's Landing, Allies advancing to the north, Chinese Intervention, and the Armistice. In each part of the war, the United States played a major role and took on a lot of responsibilities.

The U.S. had supported South Korea from the end of the WWII, interfering in the creation of the Republic of Korea. The Korean peninsula was a Japanese colony from 1910 to 1945. After the Allied forces defeated Japan in World War II, Korea was divided along the 38th parallel, an imaginary line 38 degrees of north latitude north, into North and South Korea. Soviet Communists occupied the North, while South...