The Korean, Vietnam and Iraq war.

Essay by SUGI#9High School, 11th grade June 2003

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The Korean, Vietnam and Iraq wars were all brought up among their differences with one another. The media in hand had different styles for all three wars. The Korean War with the media was not really present as much. The media in this war, stayed out really with not showing the world what was happening. In the Vietnam was the media had a whole new way of doing things, they decided to show it all. Didn't matter how graphic it was they showed it. Now in the Iraq war the media changed again, instead of showing it all the showed less graphic and more of the US winning. Theses different media changed again, instead of showing it all the showed less graphic and more of US winning. These different media changes have been created to alter the viewer's minds and the views towards the war.

The role of the media specifically television, in reporting varied their exposure with the three wars.

The Korean War was a war between South and North Korea. With North Korea having the support of the Soviet Union and the South Korea having the support of the US. Each supporter influenced different governments, the US; capitalism, the Soviet Union; communism. In this time of war there were no televisions, just radios. So the media had to go on the war scene to get interviews from the soldiers. These were then played on the radio. But besides the radio there was the new papers but what good use is they're reading written articles and looking at photos. It didn't help people understand what was happening. This was was know as the "forgotten" war all because there was no news or evidence on the Korean War. With having no...