Kristen's Cookie Company (A)

Essay by qoolazyUniversity, Master'sA, February 2009

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Kristen's Cookie Company (A)OperationTime(minutes)1Washing and mixing62Dishing up23Baking104Cool55Packing26Payment11.How long will it take you to fill a rush order?One dozen order size:ROFT= 6+2+10+5+2+1=26 minTwo dozen order size:ROFT= 6+2+10+10+5+2+1=36 minThree dozen order size:ROFT=6+2+10+10+10+5+2+1=462.How many orders can you fill in a night, assuming you are open four hours each night?One dozen order size:The bottleneck of the process is baking, so the process cycle time will be 10 minThen the Capacity of the system will be = 60*4/10=24 orders/nightTwo dozen order size:The bottleneck of the process is baking, so the process cycle time will be 10*2= 20 minThen the Capacity of the system will be = 60*4/20=12 orders/nightThree dozen order size:The bottleneck of the process is baking, so the process cycle time will be 10*3=30 minThen the Capacity of the system will be = 60*4/30=8 orders/night3.How much of your own and your roommate's valuable time will it take to fill each order?One dozen order size:My time = 6+2 =8Roommate's time = 1+2+1 = 4Two dozen order size:My time = 6+2+2 =10Roommate's time = 1+1+2+2+1 = 7Three dozen order size:My time = 6+2+2+2 = 12Roommate's time = 1+1+1+2+2+2+1 = 104.

Should you give any discount for people who order two dozen cookies, three dozen cookies, or more? If so, how much? Will it take you any longer to fill a two-dozen cookie order than a one-dozen cookie order?Suppose the labor is $10/dozen, then the original labor for two and three dozen will be $20 and $30. Making two dozen orders size will only cost me and my roommate 10+7=17min, while making three dozen orders size will only cost me and my roommate 12+10=22 min.

One dozen order size:No discount.

Two dozen order size:$10/...