Language and Lexicon

Essay by lclanetxCollege, UndergraduateC, February 2009

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What is language? What is lexicon? Language can be fundamental defined by most of the general public today, but lexicon may not easily be explained. In one's general opinion, language is a form of communicating ideas, emotions, and opinions. It varies according to the culture and generation of the individuals using it. This paper provides a definition of language and lexicon, the features of language, the levels of language, and the role of language in cognitive psychology.

LanguageLanguage is communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. Such a system including rules for combining component, such as words. The vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge the complete set of meaningful units of language. The method of human communication, either spoken or written consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way any nonverbal method of expression or communication "a language of gestures and facial expressions."LexiconLexicon

is an alphabetical inventory of words from a language, like a dictionary. For theories of human memory, the term is utilized as being a store house of words that an individual knows. The restriction that the inventory be alphabetical is dropped when referring to the mental lexicon.

Key Features of Language:Language is described as communicative, arbitrary, structured, generative, and dynamic. The following is a list with a brief description of each feature:1)Language is communicative- it allows communication between individuals.

2)Language is arbitrary- it is not schematic. Language is random and subjective.

3)Language is structured- The arrangement of symbols is not random. The placement of one word can change the meaning what is conveyed. For instance, "the girl ran from the angry cat", or "the cat ran from the angry cat", or "the girl cat angry ran from."4)Language is...