Lawyers, laws and how to become a lawyer.

Essay by Anonymous UserHigh School, 10th gradeA+, November 1996

download word file, 7 pages 4.1

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A lawyer is a man or woman trained to deal with legal problems of all kinds. Lawyers advise their clients as to their rights and responsibilities under the law. Lawyers protect the interest of their client by taking legal action when the person's life or property is threatened. They also defend their client when action is taken against him or her. Most judges are lawyers.

To people lawyers appear to be a guide who can lead them through a strange land. Besides training, lawyers have good reason to understand the law better then most people. Lawyers dominate or exercise control over the legislature that make the laws.


Even in prehistoric time their were laws. They were passed down to generations by mouth. If someone murdered another person, it weakened the group. The murderer would either be killed, kicked out of the group, or have to take care of the family of the person they murdered.

In France during the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon to force an accused criminal to submit to a 'trial by combat.' The person who was accused of the crime and the person who accused them of the crime fought. The person who lost was held to be guilty.



Draco was hired to write new laws because there were thousands of poor people who could not earn a living because of debts they owed. Draco set up a specific legal system that had courts to deal with all cases. Draco gave people the right to vote who had never been able to vote before.

The problem with Draco's laws were that the punishments were too strict. Death was the punishment for almost any crime, even petty theft. Any man who did not have a...