Learning styles

Essay by s_mel4aga March 2006

download word file, 2 pages 4.7

Downloaded 243 times

We each learn and route information in different ways. Most teachers talked to us, and we answered their questions. Schools taught one way and didn't assist or encourage us to learn our unique styles.

There are many different techniques to classify learning styles such as perceptual modality, information processing, and personality patterns. Perceptual modalities define biologically based reactions to our physical environment and represent the way we most efficiently adopt data. We should learn our perception style so we can seek out information in the format that we process most directly. Information processing distinguishes between the way we sense, think, solve problems, and remember information. Each of us has a preferred, consistent, distinct way of perceiving, organizing, and retaining information. Personality patterns focus on attention, emotion, and values. Perceptual modality refers to the primary way our bodies take in information. Commonly, researchers identify auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and tactile styles. The field of accelerated learning also relies heavily on modality to explain how learners can process information faster.

Most people retain a dominant and an auxiliary learning modality. We process visually, auditorally, kinesthetically and tactilly Visual learners prefer seeing what they are learning. Pictures and images help them understand ideas and information better than explanations. When someone explains something to a visual learner, he or she may create a mental picture of what the person talking describes.

Many people assume reading is a visual action. Though we see the words, most of us process the information by hearing ourselves say the words. As a result, researchers identify people who prefer to process by reading, auditory learners. Others label the readers 'Print-oriented,' aligning them closely with visual learners. Visual learners are more shape and form oriented. Print-oriented people depend more on words or numbers in their images. Auditory learners also fall into...