Literary Analysis How do they act as heroes? The Outsiders By: S.E. Hinton

Essay by tiff23089Junior High, 7th gradeA+, November 2014

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Tiffany Becker

Literary Analysis

Language Arts


Heroes. Society knows what they are, who they are. But are they truly the real heroes? The real heroes are not the ones that are beating imaginary villains. They are the ones that do whatever it takes to do the impossible. They save others emotionally and physically. They are the police officers, firefighters, and the guidance counselor. Those are the real heroes that can be seen everyday. However, there are heroes that express themselves in literature and do the unimaginable. The Outsiders is a detailed novel filled with dynamic scenes and characters. The author shows a detailed account of the life of a gang. But, this is not a normal gang. They get beaten up for having long hair, and they are not violent unless needed. The greasers have a gang rivalry with the wealth group, the Socs. The main character experiences many changes including: setting, emotions, and appearance.

In S.E Hinton's The Outsiders, Ponyboy, Dally, and Johnny emerge as heroes because they acted courageously in the face of danger.

During the course of The Outsiders, Ponyboy is a dauntless noble hero.

The text states, "Johnny looked around, slapping his pockets nervously. 'We gotta get outa here. Get somewhere. Run away. The police'll be here soon'" (57). Hinton is insisting indirectly that Ponyboy is a hero. In several ways, Ponyboy has gallant moments and completes heroic deeds. Gallantly, Ponyboy was a hero to Johnny, mentally and physically, as a supporter after he killed Bob. Ponyboy showed his fidelity to Johnny when he ran away. He helps Johnny survive in an unfamiliar area with the deed of murdering a living person. Therefore, Ponyboy showed his allegiance to Johnny. As said in the text, Johnny is a shy boy looking like he is...