Lord Of The Flies - Discovery

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Lord Of Flies( The Importance of self-discovery) 1Human should understand the importance of self-discovery. In the Lord of the Flies, Ralph, Simon and Samneric learned the weaknesses and darkness within the human hearts. People grows up when they faces a challenge. Ralph ‘s challenge is how to be a good and responsible leader. Simon’s challenge is how to speak at front of people.

Samneric’s challenge is how to make right choice. The truth about self-discovery may be cruel, but it is worth to learn from it.

2Ralph is being a playful, innocent child in the beginning of the story, but towards the end he matures significantly. Excluding Piggy, Ralph is the most mature and responsible member of the boys, for he is concerned throughout the book with keeping the fire on the mountain going, and building shelter. " If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us.

So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire." pg,37 Ralph always has the strong belief that all the children will be saved from the island sooner or later, but at middle part of the story he begins to doubting it. At end of the story, after the death of Piggy, Ralph’s encounter with the Lord of the Flies, he knocks over the pig’s skull. " A sick fear and rage swept him. Fiercely he hit out at the filthy thing in front of him that bobbed like a toy and came back, still grinning into his face, so that he lashed and cried out in loathing." pg206 Ralph realize the evil is part of him and just as to other boys. However, he is the only person who acknowledges the importance of being responsible, and he takes over as a true leader...