The Lottery

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade September 2001

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Throughout time, many traditions have developed. Most traditions are of happiness and joy and are often looked forward too. This applies to most traditions, but there are some which this does not imply. Through actions, objects, and dialogs, Shirley Jackson in "The Lottery" suggests the importance placed on traditions is not always a welcomed force.

Shirley Jackson in "The Lottery" uses actions as a way to show the importance placed on traditions is not always a welcomed force. One such action is "children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times". The children know the tradition, which is the lottery, is not a pleasant occasion and try to avoid it as well as they can. One child even ran from his mother's grasp and his father had to get him to come. This shows the tradition is not welcomed as the children try to avoid it.

Also, the black box, which stood on top of the stool, was the center of the lottery. The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool. The villagers knew what happens during a lottery and tried to stay as far away as they possibly could. This shows the people did not like the lottery and kept distant from it. Another action was that much of the ritual had been forgotten or discarded. Much of a tradition would not be thrown out or discarded if the people liked the tradition and tried to keep it. This took a long time to do and shows that the people of the village for a long time did not like the lottery and have cut parts outs so that they would not have to go through it for as long as they would have if they haven't. In...